13 October, 2012

Correct Posture (not what you might think) and a Healthy Body

I deal with Endometriosis. For me it is painful periods where going without a painkiller is a big deal and a reason to celebrate. It is also of late a mild cramping feeling most of the month. I've started to change things to combat this, and last cycle I managed a pain killer free period. One thing I made a conscious effort in changing is stress held in the body.

I hold my stress in in my pelvic area. Where do you hold yours? For a whole cycle I had to consciously think of the area and 'release' it. Let my stomach flop out and be free :). I swear it made a big difference. It's like tensing if you're going to get a smack bottom - it hurts more. It's like rally drivers are taught to go loose and floppy when they crash to avoid serious injury. Tightness = pain.

Another reason I have held this area tight is to achieve 'correct posture'. But this has involved (when I actually do it) a pulling in and contracting of the pelvic area: Bum in, back straight, pelvis tucked in. Well that is wrong, and boy I am glad to hear it because the correct way supports softness in the pelvic are. It is going to take some getting used to and I will have to get over my Jay-Lo bum sticking out but it makes sense. It supports bone strength, rather than muscle strength. This is how all those Indian women carry vast quantities of water on their heads!

Here is a great video explaining why posture is so important, and how us westerners get it so wrong.

And here's a 6min 'How to do it properly'. It's pretty easy.

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